As an alternative to spinal fusion surgeries, there is the possibility of dynamically reconstructing and stabilizing the affected motion segment of the spine in a way which preserves movement.
Fusion operations can lead to increased load on the adjacent segments. This can accelerate the degenerative process at adjacent levels which can be symptomatic in upto10% patients requiring second surgery. Non-union is also an inherent possible complication of fusion operations.
Dynamic fixation avoids both of these complications. The objective of dynamic fixation is to preserve the mobility and function of the vertebral segments while eliminating the causes of pain.
Indications of this surgery are-
1. Discogenic Back pain secondary to abnormal loading
2. stabilization and recreation of a posterior tension band after decompression
3. creation of a transition zone between a rigidly fused spinal segment to a nonfused segment
4. adjunct to fusion (Interbody fusion + dynamic fixation)