Spinal deformity correction is procedure that can straighten and heal a deformed spine. Spinal deformities are scoliosis, kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis.
1. Kyphosis – forward bending of spine leading to humpback deformity which can be caused by Congenital, Idiopathic (Scheuermann’s disease), traumatic, osteoporotic, postinfective (TB), postoperative (Post-laminectomy).
Surgery is indicated in patients with-
2. Scoliosis- Sideway curvature of spine leading to crooked spine and an awkward appearance is called scoliosis. It Can be due to by birth anomalies (congenital), Idiopathic, paralytic (such as in polio, cerebral palsy), dysplastic (neurofibromatosis, marfan’s syndrome).
Surgery is indicated in patients with-